Atlas Reverse Circulation Cyclone
New & Efficient design
Atlas RC Cyclone has many features: wear plates, easy opening top, a 12” diameter chimney for a better waste elimination, and many more. All these features have one goal: help you spend more time on drilling and less working on your cyclone.
With use of wear plates at critical points, Atlas Reverse Circulation Cyclone life expectancy is vastly longer than other cyclones models. Changing of the wear plates is simple and requires no welding or special instillation. Atlas RC Cyclone resists even the newest high-capacity air compressors with superior lifetime.
Easy maintenance
With a lid that can be opened easily by unbolting, the Atlas Reverse Circulation Cyclone is easy to clean between holes so you don’t contaminate your samples. Changing the wear plates also becomes an easy job.

Reverse Circulation Cyclone Specifications Sheet
Cylcone Videos

I have been using the cyclone about 20 jobs now and all is good with it. It size handles the high volume of 12 inches wells and flows of 300-400 gallons a minute no problem.
p.s. Since full rebuild on hammer, it’s been firing like new, works great, just finished 340ft 12 inch well through silts and clays.
Steven Robbins
Robbins Drilling, Okanagan Falls, BC
Lastly, Our last client was extremely happy with how we handled our solids and liquids, thanks to the cyclone. We ended up using the cyclone, when drilling dry we emptied into a soil bag, when the cuttings turned wet and we used injection water we moved the cyclone over a tub and used a large trash pump to pump over our shaker and bag the solids. They had never seen that done and nothing ever touched the ground. If it was not here and we did not have it partly set up I never could have done/quoted the job to start with.
Kelly Topilka
Elk Point Dilling Corp. Edmonton, Alberta